Tea of the week (Week 1): Ya Bao Yesheng

January 3rd 2033
By Frex

It is a tea harvested from young, wild tea leaves in the Yunnan province in China, from these trees farmers there also harvest tea leaves for Pu-Erh teas, making Ya Bao Yesheng known in these areas as the "White Pu-Erh"The taste and the aroma of this tea is unique and unlike any other tea, very sweet with a slight flavor and smell of a watermelon (keep in mind that these blogposts were not archived before therefore I am not entirely sure what I originally worte, all of these 'posts are just recreations).

Tea of the week (Week 2): Tanyang Gongfu

January 3rd 2033
By Frex

Tanyang Gongfu is a carefully made black tea from the Tanyang Caicha cultivar. The tea is quite expensive, but it is definitley worthy of its price.The aroma of the dry leaves is that of flowers, dark honey and freshly baked bread skin The taste of this tea is vibrant, intense, the tea tastes malty, fruity and cocoa. Personally, I think this tea might even satisfy coffee drinkers and maybe even make them switch from coffee to tea.

Tea of the week (Week 3): Georgian green nagomari

January 3rd 2033
By Frex

Georgia (the best country in the caucasus region) usually only makes black teas, because of thier climate and geography it's quite hard to make a good green tea, but this tea might just prove me wrong.Georgian Green Nagomari is a green tea from the first flush that might remind some avid tea drinkers of green tea from far east asian countries like Japan or China, the taste and aroma of the tea is a lot like the taste and aroma of a typical Sencha, so flowery, grassy and refreshing.

Tea of the week (Week 4): Man Long Shu pu-erh

January 3rd 2033
By Frex

Man Nong [sic] mountain cooked pu-erh tea cake is a ripe pu erh tea compressed into a cake wrapped around in a cloth.Pu-erh teas usually have a strong fish like smell and strong earthy taste, but this tea has sat for long enough for these unpleasant smells and strong flavors to dissipate, leaving only nice flavors and aromas that are closer to vanilla and sweet earth, this tea is very good especially when you buy the whole cake to have it always on display

Tea of the week (Week 5): Lapsang Souchong

January 3rd 2033
By Frex

Honestly I just bought this tea and it freaking sucks, the aromatised leafs of this knock off tea trying to imitate the original are completley destroying the intesity of the aroma and makes me almost throw up when smelling it, and it's worse when you try to drink it because it just tastes like ashes and dead people, if you wanna try out a smokey tea, I reccomend an original Lapsang since this one will just destroy your senses.

Tea of the week (Week 6): Huang Xiao

January 3rd 2033
By Frex

Huang Xiao is a rare type of tea, since it is a yellow tea, yellow teas are made with an added yellowing process with makes the leafs yellow or something like that. The tea has an aroma and a taste similar to that of a peanut, it is overall pleasant although if you sniff the wet leafs too hard you might get dizzy! The aroma also has hints of refreshing grass or fruits and the taste has a slight vanilla touch. All and all, I really enjoyed that tea and I am surprised yellow teas are that uncommon, I recommend it from the bottom of my heart. 4/5

Tea of the week (Week 7): Japanese sencha!

April 1st 2024
By Frex

Sencha is a green tea grown in Japan, hence the name of this drink! Japanese sencha is super duper sweet, refreshing and has a visible Umami taste ^-^ But the taste will not overshadow its aroma, for it is sweet and has a smell that is very close to various diffrent fruits :0 Japanese sencha can be prepared, hot, cold, kuridashi and in gongfu style too :D It's quite an universal tea so it will fit everyone everywhere anytime anywhere :3 As an avid fan of Japanese culture, I might be a little bit biased on the rating of this tea :p but that will not stop me from reviewing it anyways, I give this tea a 5/5 !!!

I will fill these hyperlinks one day, trust me
